Thursday, September 20, 2007

School is in session.

Hippo tries on the sweet Cal safety glasses he received for his Civil Engineering Materials laboratory. They are a bit large, but they will do.

This week, Hippo went to the green roof under construction on top of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park for his Landscape Architecture field trip course. But where is Hippo?

Hippo is proud of his solution for a homework problem in his class on PDEs and ODEs. The coursework is somewhat tedious and difficult, but the professor teaching this course is Hippo's favorite by far.

Hippo is indifferent to another one of his classes. He decides to take a nap on his professor's illegible and incoherent notes.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hippo takes it easy.

Hippo likes relaxing and reading during long weekends. Hippo currently loves The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

Occasionally, Hippo goes to stores on weekends. However, instead of shopping for home essentials at IKEA, Hippo samples the Swedish Meatballs and the Swedish apple cake.

Hippo likes grilling out on weekends as well. What does Hippo with leftover tomatoes? He makes a garlic tomato sauce and keeps a watchful eye as it simmers.